“Softness triumphs over hardness, feebleness over strength. What is malleable is always superior to that which is immovable. This is the principle of controlling things by going along with them, of mastery through adaptation.”
? Lao-Tzu

I’ve always believed – and teach in my classes – that Yin is of Much Greater Importance as a means of personal cultivation than Yang. Yin is Softness. The active pursuit of Yin is everything to me philosophically. Yang manifests itself everywhere in American society, so much so that it overwhelms morality, spirituality, and even societal function as a whole. Just look at what’s being called ‘entertainment’ these days and it’s influence on these remnants of ‘american’ culture.
When I was a young dude doing TaiJi and BaGua before doing these things were cool I used to Always stress to myself that I should Physically act, and mentally conduct myself, as if I were a 92 year old man: I wouldn’t be able to move too fast, I wouldn’t have that much physical strength, my reflexes might not even be so hot – and it would be within That framework that I would attempt to develop and cultivate my martial skills. In that instance, softness would be the only thing that I could truly rely upon. I haven’t deviated from that, except for the fact that as side effects of martial training I Have allowed myself to be strong, fast, and somewhat agile. Whenever I move around with someone, especially someone that I may be physically stonger than, I always think “…Softness…ever Softly…” so that they have a chance to explore their techniques without being overwhelmed, and to learn how to use their structure to stave off my superior physicallity as I gradually increase to a full speed full power applications. This also allows me to practice and further develop my softness skills.

Which brings us to this video. I wanted to show people a different side of BaGuaZhang than what we’re usually exposed to in vid clips. Most of the time people are to some extent ‘showing off’ when they’re displaying their arts, methods and techniques – and that’s what they’re Supposed to do to get your attention. I’ve never really been that way, since there are Tons of cats out here who have definite skills, and a few Really Serious individuals who are posessed of very high levels of skill. I’m usually content to let Them show the more obvious applications and skills. I never want to be the one who displays the same techniques as the other guys just so that I can be seen doing it too. Not my style. I’d rather fill in the gaps if I can, at the very least, just do what little that I’m capable of to show something unique or not commonly known so that people are able to actually Get something from what I say and do. If softness is my martial virtue, than ANYONE can learn what I teach, and accomplish their goals of personal expression through these arts.
My purpose in doing this Free Hand sparring session was to show the effectiveness of Softness. I adapt to my opponent’s ever changing positions, tactics, and techniques by simply walking and according myself with our shared Tao. I don’t get hit, I counter each movement with my own listening and following skills by moving with him instead of in antagonism to him. He’s moving with Speed and Deliberate force. I’m moving softly, gently. I just don’t think that people realize that martial arts Can be Gentle – too much exploitation in the ‘entertainment’ industry, not enough Art. If you’re not doing flips/flying on cables, killing 200 people with a single stroke or pummelling someone with an endless series of punches to the face you’re “not doing martial arts, man!” It’s all about the Yang. And Thus is without balance, meaning, or purpose.

MY Expression of Kung Fu isn’t one of jumping around, high head-kicking, jerkily- punching as fast as I can – but I Do move around, I Do kick at the head accurately, cleanly and powerfully, I Do strike with hand and elbow Quite rapidly and in smooth succession. Kung Fu training is about refinement, about taking what’s inside of you and making it better. Kung Fu tends to take what’s already inside of you and Magnifying those qualities. Kung Fu eventually becomes an expression of Who, and What, You ARE as a Person. I, am Yin. Softness, Ever Softly….